How to Support your 3 - 6-Year-Old Child

How to Support your 3 - 6-Year-Old Child

Parents of children ages 3 - 6-year-olds know all too well that this stage can be trying. Here are 6 practical ways to help provide your child with the independence she’s looking for. Implementing these will lead to a peaceful home and a confident child.

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The Conscious Mind: Information is Selected and Absorbed

The Conscious Mind:  Information is Selected and Absorbed

The Conscious Mind period takes place around ages 3 through 6. During this phase, the child becomes more aware of the learning process and begins to select work based on interests. The sponge-like mind continues to absorb vast amounts of information, but now there is more choice and independence involved in the learning. This is often when more formal preschool education starts.

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The Absorbent Mind

The Absorbent Mind

Between birth and six-years-old a child’s mind is absorbent like a sponge. Montessori developed her educational practice to cooperate with this aspect of a child’s development. Authentic and intentional experiences and opportunities are the perfect educational tool for young children.

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