AOW offers two options for summer programming. We have a “Little Winds Outdoor Program” that is geared towards younger children (ages 3-5, or entering kindergarten). We also offer “Wild Winds Outdoor Program” that is geared for older children (ages 6 - 9). Scroll down to see descriptions of both programs.

If you are interested please fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

Little Winds Outdoor Program

Little Winds Outdoor Program will be a summer full of exploration for your 3- 5, or entering Kindergarten child.

The Little Winds Outdoor Program will be held at the AOW campus, all summer long. The students will use and explore our beautiful 7.5 acres of forest on campus.

Children will engage in a variety of science topics in a nature based curriculum. They will have ample time for observation, journaling, and experiencing everything nature has to offer. With structured and unstructured learning time children will have a fun summer, full of placed based learning.

Every day the students will be in our “woods” using the Outdoor Classroom and the surrounding area for exploration and learning. They will then have ample play time, followed by lunch and rest time.

This program will be filled with crafts, mud, gardening, water, sticks, and fun!


  • Children will learn how to safely explore and interact with nature.

  • Nurture the children’s natural curiosity about nature.

  • Engage in their surrounding environment through observation, nature crafting, journaling/art, and fun.

  • Schedule:

  • TBD

    *Half-days may be available after all full day openings have been filled

    *This program will have a max of 10 children per day.

    *** Please note that your child MUST be toilet trained before enrolling. We do not have the staff to cover bathroom accidents.

Wild Winds Outdoor Program

Wild Winds Outdoor Program will be a summer full of adventure for your 6-9 year old child.

Every week the children will be immersed in the outdoors, whether at the AOW campus or traveling to Sinks Canyon and beyond. They will learn about the topography and navigation, trails, plants, animals, waterways and other unique geographical features surrounding them. There will be daily opportunities for free play, exploration, and observation of the natural world.


  • Challenge children with outdoor activities that will promote leadership, self confidence, and cooperation.

  • Facilitate experiences that will promote environmental awareness, stewardship, and knowledge of the local ecosystems.

  • Provide a hands on learning experience that will ignite an appreciation and love for the wonderful outdoor areas that surround Lander.

If your child is:

  • 6 to 9 years old

  • Enthusiastic about the outdoors

  • Able to hike moderate distances daily while carrying their own backpack with daily needs

  • Able to maintain safety and behavioral expectations



*Please Note summer programs are at an additional cost for AOW students


If interested please complete the form below to be added to our waitlist

***We will contact you with more information in April.***