Why Montessori?


The Montessori educational philosophy is an approach to education in which a child's natural development guides his instruction. Students use concrete tools to develop a strong understanding in concepts, which paves the way toward abstract thinking.

  • Research-backed methodology

  • Developed by Maria Montessori in the early 1900’s

  • Emphasizes hands-on learning

  • Crucial component of Montessori is emphasis on the whole child

  • Multi-age classrooms

  • Students are guided through academic, social, physical, and emotional growth


Why a Montessori Education is Worth the Investment

  • A proven format of education that has been in use over 100 years and in more than 22,000 schools worldwide. It works. It’s not affected by legislative changes.

  • Educating the whole child: physically, academically, socially and emotionally. Preparing the child for life, not just the academic portion, including practical skills carried on at home and in the community.

  • An educational experience based on a three year developmental cycle in the same environment. This provides the child a beginning, middle and end process to fully envelop the learning opportunities, and it allows the teacher to get to know and understand the child and how to best guide her to her fullest potential.

  • Fosters self-direction, allowing the child independent thinking in order to build problem-solving skills and creativity, now on high demand from colleges and employers.

  • Freedom for children to work at their own pace, without interruption, choosing from a range of activities that are developmentally challenging and appropriate.

  • Exploration is encouraged so that children find things out for themselves, make mistakes and correct them independently.

  • Mixed age groups enable children to learn from others and later, teach it themselves. It also allows for a variety of abilities and levels in advancement without obvious transitions.

  • Working with the concrete materials before moving to the abstraction. The child interacts with materials to internalize the concept rather than be told “this is what it is.”

  • The value of intrinsic joy as the reward for personal accomplishment is understood and implemented. No candy, no star charts, no grades.

  • Focuses on the individual child. Every child has an I.E.P. (Individual Educational Plan), not just the ones who are delayed.

  • Teachers that are trained in child development based on the profound teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori and understand the importance of the prepared environment/classroom and its link to the children.

  • Respect for each child as an individual personality with unique talents and weaknesses.

  • Respect for oneself, respect for others, respect for the community, and respect for the environment.